SpillTech is certified in the Eco-Lighthouse certification scheme.
This a concrete and effective tool helping us in our daily work to make smart and profitable environmental choices.
Our work towards satisfying requirements and implementing environmental measures is on a systematic and ongoing basis in order to create more environmentally friendly operations, products and safer work environments.
SpillTech is an agile and innovative Norwegian Company developing and selling robust technology for removal of waste from rivers, ports and coastal areas before it becomes a problem as micro plastics. Our most important contribution to the Eco-Lighthouse commitment is a continuous development of our products becoming more energy efficient and environmental friendly. In addition the company itself has focus on a reduced environmental footprint.
To fulfil our obligations we have:
Our EHS results (in Norwegian)
For more info or details on our work for a better environment please contact
Mail: bard@spilltech.no
Phone : +47 932 10 440